About us


Future Creation Platform Social Innovation Award for social innovators


? What are our goals

Some of our goals for holding the Social Innovation Award are as follows:

Helping to introduce and brand some innovative social products, services and business models

Helping to accredit and promote the status of some influential leaders and activists in the field of social innovation

Helping to model and direct the activities of elites and those interested in entering the field of social innovation

Promoting the discourse of social innovation among social activists and residents of the ecosystem of innovation, science and technology

...What do we do

In ecosystems, despite the existence of different natures, the identity is unique and the identity of the ecosystem does not return to any of its constituents or actors. Therefore, in the introduction of the ecosystem, none of the natures is discussed more than the other, and it is the ecosystem that is known as networks of different natures. Therefore, here, as a coherent whole, we seek to identify the actors and innovators of the country's social innovation ecosystem, help strengthen the strengths of this ecosystem, and also create networks of individuals and institutions. We will be ideas, facilitators, leaders and other natures in the ecosystem so that we can take a step towards the development and empowerment of this ecosystem.

...Who are we

We are trying to use technologies such as information technology, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, etc., along with our software, hardware, and intellectual tools, so that we can think about creating wealth in addition to solving problems and fulfilling our social responsibility. . The difference between us and other inhabitants of this ecosystem is that our main emphasis is not on creating wealth through technology development; Rather, we are trying to solve social issues through social solutions and by creating a context for people's participation. So, focusing on solving real and mutual social problems through collective solutions is one of the distinctive features of social innovation and grassroots solutions. We are the people of the social innovators of the country.


A successful and sympathetic team


Mohammad Rasouli

Administration Manager

Ali Mohammadi

Executive Expert

Shakila Behfarin

Communication expert

Maeda Bagheri

Content production expert