The Role of Social Innovation in Supporting Sustainable Development

نقش نوآوری اجتماعی در حمایت از توسعه پایدار

نقش نوآوری اجتماعی در حمایت از توسعه پایدار

The role of social innovation in supporting sustainable development
Although the principles and methods of social innovation have been used in the direction of global sustainable development for many years, it is only recently that this term has been used and involved with the networks and concepts of social innovation. These two concepts are very similar to each other and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals for 2030 have brought them together for mutual exploitation.

Knot and flexibility in development principles and methods
Since 1945, the market-oriented, technology-driven, top-down approach to development has been business-as-usual through practices based on the ideas of modernization, growth, structuralism, and dependency. All of this confirms the priority of major top-down economic interventions, typically influenced by the “Washington Consensus” led by the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank through their own lending and financing policies. In fact, national governments have been forced to adhere to the imperatives of “global forces” that are largely oblivious to existing social and institutional conditions and needs. A reaction was proposed in the 1970s with the “basic needs” approach, which tried to address social and economic needs according to specific contexts and through a special focus on poverty alleviation by activating people in society. However, these new ideas had no solid theory or broad political support, so in the early 1980s, a neoliberal hegemony was re-established, again presenting transformative social change as requiring a strong market-based framework in all areas of society. .

Although simplistic and more extreme interpretations of this approach have since declined, many of them still remain today and generally determine much social policy, despite the economic and financial crisis of 2008. However, over the past twenty years and Despite the overall influence of neoliberalism, promising new development frameworks have emerged, particularly post-development and human development theories, and specifically ideas of sustainable development, especially as presented in the United Nations system.

All of these plus social, economic and environmental needs have been addressed in light of climate change risks and environmental concerns, and risky social and developmental impacts on less developed countries and more vulnerable populations. The United Nations defines sustainable development as meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It has developed global development frameworks, most recently implemented in 2015 by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. As an illustration about the three dimensions of sustainable development, sustainable development is defined as the guiding principles for long-term global development, which includes the three dimensions of economic development, social development, and environmental development. Therefore, if one of these dimensions is weak, the whole system will not be stable.

Social innovation has been an unsung foundation of global sustainable development for many years, but has largely been hidden under a range of other labels.

Setting the social landscape – global trends
Development as a guiding principle for long-term and balanced global development consists of three dimensions of economic development, social development and environmental development, so if one of the dimensions is weak, the system as a whole will not be sustainable.

Social engineering – history of human development
Unlike the previous UN Global Development Goals, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have been endorsed by almost all countries around the world, including the developed countries of Europe and… The SDGs have also been developed through extensive and intensive consultation, involving a large number of organizations from all sectors, including governments at all levels, civil society, business and academia. Also, the United Nations and other decision-makers and policy-makers are beginning to recognize that the history of human development has always depended on changes in social and cultural practices and cultures, whether imposed from the top down or perhaps more slowly from the bottom up through Ordinary people’s everyday ways of living and working, adapting to their specific needs and changing environments.

Thus, the United Nations now recognizes that social innovation approaches are needed as major tools for delivering sustainable development, in addition to large-scale public and private funding, although until recently the term “social innovation” was rarely recognized or used.

. Today, the role of bottom-up social innovation in the design and delivery of public services to low-income and disadvantaged people in a gender-sensitive manner, especially when based on local adoption and promotion campaigns, is an important issue in The achievement of the sustainable development goals of 2030 is observed.

Social innovation and sustainable development go hand in hand
For example, the United Nations Social Development Network supports countries in Asia and the Pacific in using social innovation to tackle aging populations and gender inequality. In India, creating a grassroots social movement about the lack of basic facilities and services, through provoking opinion and progress through groups and perceived interests, can help change the behavior and attitudes of fellow citizens and service providers towards issues such as public health. Benefits of the potential of public-civil partnerships in northern Ghana, where precedent sets the framework.

For water use for family use, ways of qualitative research and participation

Experienced Madani to provide specialized technical assistance to small farmers, women and local organizations. The result was not only good quality drinking water, but also increased ability to rule through social change and improved access to power and resources.

Social innovation is recognized as an important component of the new innovation framework required for sustainable development. In addition to developed countries, this is starting to take hold and be recognized in developing countries and emerging economies. It helps meet social needs (for example for education or health services) in a new way that also involves collaboration with the user or user of the service. It works with them to increase their power and resources rather than doing something for them as active recipients, thereby changing their social relationships and improving their access to power and resources.

Drawing the future together
The growing debate between the social innovation and sustainable development communities is also helping to determine the future policies and principles of social development at all levels. Only in the last ten years have the recognized sources of innovation in society included civil society. This change is compared to the production of living cells in biology, until then the only model of innovation was the so-called “triple helix”, which claimed that there were three parallel and interacting chains, the government, the private sector and research institutions. Recently, new roles have been formed in this field as public representatives, social networks and media.

Finally, social development is a dynamic process, ups and downs, which should be observed as much as possible by the society and popular organizations in order to achieve the goals of sustainable development for the long-term world. Combining social innovation with sustainable development goals can help societies address complex challenges and interactions, thereby finding ways to improve lives.

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