The first meeting of the Policy Council of the Social Innovation Award was held

The meeting of the Policy Council of the Social Innovation Award was held under the chairmanship of Dr. Mohammad Sadeq Khayatian.

According to the public relations report of Jaira Social Innovation, this Tuesday morning, the meeting of the Policy Council of the Social Innovation Award was held at the place of the Innovation Fund and was chaired by Dr. Mohammad Sadegh Khayatian.
The social innovation award tries to become a platform for the development of Iran’s social innovation ecosystem, to help innovators, technologists and entrepreneurs in the path of progress and development of the society as much as possible and to help the people of innovation in increasing the social impact of their activities. /p>

The social innovation award is one of the priorities of soft technology

Dr. Mustafa Zamaniyan, Managing Director of the Foundation for Social Excellence of Life, was one of the other speakers of this program. He said: “In the first meeting of the innovation award policy council, we have gathered to determine the policy of this event and to take more effective steps to link the two fields of innovation and social issues.”
Emphasizing that the issues of the social sphere have not been dealt with in the country in the past years, he said: In the Foundation for Social Excellence of Life, we tried to take steps in the field of identifying the ideas that the society needs and we can, with the help of the authorities and from Let’s organize an award for other activists in the field of social governance and innovation. It seems that holding such an event is one of the priorities of soft technology.
The CEO of Life Social Excellence Foundation stated: We in the foundation have defined ourselves as an accelerator of social innovation, and although our activities are in line with the Presidential Science and Technology Vice-Chancellor, we think that an event like the Social Innovation Award should be done by a private foundation. Not necessarily government departments.
He added: However, holding this event would not have been possible without the help of institutions such as the Innovation and Prosperity Fund. We decided to get Dr. Khayatian’s help in this regard, and considering the many records they have and have performed many activities in the field of innovation, we requested them to accept the responsibility of chairing the award’s policymaking council and for accepting our invitation. We thank them.

Different parts of the country are not open-minded and welcoming in the field of social innovation

Dr. Mustafa Qanei, the head of the Biotechnology Development Staff of the Vice President for Science and Technology, was another speaker of this meeting, who stated: holding a congress or an event for awarding awards is nothing. Except that on the sidelines of ceremonies, the owners of thought and wisdom can be identified. These types of events are actually a kind of mechanism to identify elites.
Qanei continued: One of the important issues we should ask is that after identifying the owner of a superior idea, how should we institutionalize that idea? The second part has not been well seen. The same is true for similar awards. For example, a foundation has collected data with great creativity and power, but it has not been able to work successfully in the field of using these data and communicating them with each other.
The head of the biotechnology development headquarters stated: On the other hand, different parts of the country are not open-minded and welcoming in the field of social innovation. For example, to what extent can the country’s welfare organization accept innovative structures and turn from a mere executive institution into a platform for the implementation of social innovation possibilities?
Qanei emphasized: If there are four axes in this field, then there must be a basis for acceptance of these axes by different departments. This makes the Award Policy Council feel that the symbolic work of recognizing people goes beyond the presentation of the award and motivates more serious participation. It seems that this capability is available, and collective management of elites and platform building should be done to solve the social problem of this connection.

necessity of neighborhood orientation in the development of social innovation in cities

Syed Majid Emami, the secretary of the country’s public culture council, was also one of the other members of the social innovation award policy council. In his speech, he emphasized the necessity of neighborhood orientation in the development of social innovation in cities. He said: My concern in this festival is the fields for which the award is defined, and I think that with further investigation, we can find other fields that are included in the field of social innovation.
Emami pointed out: My request to the council members is to take different provinces seriously in this award. There is a good identification network to find the owners of ideas in different provinces of the country, and if we want to award this award nationally, these capillary networks should be used to discover the owners of ideas.


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